Mental health is not just about the mind, it is about the whole system that can heal or hamper the Universe!
Practising these below points helped me massively during tuff times in my past, especially to store back my mental health. I am sure it will greatly help you too. Let’s get started!
1. Remove those toxic people
Some of these people might be your favourite, but it’s time to put them out of your life.
Start cutting them off by openly communicating how you feel around them and explain your reasons why it is important to detach from them. If you can’t be that straightForward with someone, it is okay to start communicating less but also be prepared that they might sense your absence and use their hurt as a weapon to hurt you back and that should be okay for one last time before letting go.
Another way is to delete their contact from your phone or block contact depending on the severity of how toxic they are, stop giving them the power to play with your feelings and start believing that it is important for you to surround yourself with people who pour positive energy into your life. Life is short to deal with drama and negative people, isn’t it?
2. Implement your vision
Why a company have got its own timings, procedures and rules for its employees to follow? It is because the holder knows what is the target of her/his company and how to achieve it. Employees are the backbone or a core part of any company used as a source to get the work done, and of course, the owner always get to make their own rules!
In the same way, first figure out accurately what kind of a lifestyle you want to live… next, make a note of all that it takes to reach that vision. Set goals and your priorities.
Now the people you invite and choose into your life are your employees. The only thing is that people feel offended very easily if you start dictating them your rule book on how they suppose to be (of course you don’t pay them right, HA-HA) so, instead of talking, walk your ethics, live on your own rules and let them see how you conduct yourself. Doing this they would know what you entertain in your world and what not… In this way, you form the core system that works for you in achieving your vision.
Always remember people you surround yourself with makes a huge difference and they add value to your life. Choose wisely.
3. Vision board
Start writing everything that you want to see yourself with, and the key is to describe accurately… how it should look like, what should be your role in it, why it is important, what you want to achieve with it, also mention the timeline with exact date and time!
Example: One day I will be a guest on Oprah Talk Show, I want to live in Amsterdam, I want a Rolls Royce car, a beach house. So now I looked for these pictures on the internet exactly how I visioned, take a printout of these images and stick them on my vision board… manifest it deeply with an intention to feel as if you are already living with these!
BOOM! The magic starts happening and Universe will start communicating with you very easily once you start learning energy (talking about magic, you must consider reading ‘THE MAGIC’ book by Ronda Byrne)… Believe it or not, you would be surprised to learn how many hugely successful people living a life they manifested and needless to mention that a vision board is a must! I would recommend ‘THE SECRET’ book by Ronda Byrne or a movie or you can simply search about vision board and manifestation on google or YouTube.
4. Self-talk
Please consider this to be your number one priority while working on your mental health. It is very crucial what you hear and says in your own head. Choice of words, the way you think, your opinion about you it all matters.
Analyse every situation of your life and self to yourself about it. What was the situation? What happened? Who did what? who said what? How you reacted? Are you suffering your reaction consequence or is it just in your head? Please speak to yourself with high clarity and look at everything from a distance.
If you felt hurt by someone’s words, preach to yourself that it is not about you because people often speak through the lens they wear, here I am referring to lens to their judgemental mindset or viewpoint… and coach yourself to see it as not your problem, they must be going through an unknown path that hampers their peace, so hurting others is one of their ways to find comfort in themselves. It is clearly not about you!
You can find a lot of answers from yourself when you sit in calm and talk to yourself. Try it and you will know it.
5. Bring on those points about you on paper
First of all, write down all those points someone spoke about you in the past that bothered you for a very long time, and those which you feel are not so good about yourself…
Now start writing if what they said and what you feel about yourself as TRUE or FALSE? You can only find the answers from within. If it is not true, delete it forever from inside and save that space to occupy by something good. And if it is true, it’s okay, we all have flaws! But if it requires a change to attain positivity to the fullest, just talk to yourself and find ways to fix it. Now that you know it is important to fix your mental health, you will certainly work on it!
6. Routines & Rewards
In my previous posts, I have mentioned umpteen times how important it is to have a happy lifestyle, a lifestyle worth living for… It can be achieved very easily by preparing a routine full of to-do lists, setting a timetable for each favourite activities so that you wouldn’t miss one… basically, the idea is to have a routine to keep you excited to spend your 24hours a day!
To me: I know what keeps me happy and makes my soul rest well, so I need to take charge to work for my happiness. My list goes like this: Meditation, writing, workout (Get up, get your ass out of your house and active your body, sweat it out), writing thank you letter a day, praying, reading a book, drinking more water, keeping my home clean and welcoming. So, I set my day in a way that no matter how busy I am, I won’t miss doing these.
And learn to give yourself an instant reward… Mine is a pizza or Netflix show 😉
Remember: You are just one decision away from a whole different life.
7. Practice what you been preparing for
What is the point of listening to those motivational videos and reading books when you don’t let the motivation take over in reality?
Example: I just read a book on how to control anger to live a happy life… I was so motivated and impressed with the way it explains and convinces me to why I must seriously quit reacting with rage to the situation or people, yet, I react and damage my own peace… so, here I failed to let what I read or watch take over, I am restricting something greater that could guide me to peace by choosing what is comfortable for me which is to react to the negativity.
The best way to fix this is by intentionally waiting for situations and people to do something that upsets you and then restricting your old behaviour and introduce your new way to respond that could be your silence or ‘agree to disagree.
Trust me, this will be a game-changer!
8. what is coming around?
When on the internet or Youtube you search for a certain video, the system automatically suggests more such videos or pictures, in the same way, what you seek will seek you back.
If you searching for happiness, happiness will come finding you. If you search for hurt, more hurtful scenarios will come to surround you. Searching for love, love will come to seek you.
It is very easy to know what you are up to in your life currently by simply looking around you… look at the people and energy that is surrounding you.
If you say, ‘I am living a positive lifestyle but still I find negativity around me’ I want to ask you what are you holding back on? Hurt, regret, or are you not able to forgive someone, or you owe a sorry to someone? When you move on, the Universe will move on with you… Please let go and heal!
9. Meditation
Meditation is a state of disconnection from the world to connect with yourself.
Only when you practise absence or emptiness in mind, that’s when the energy or the intuition gets stronger. Let the universe breathe in you. Let the energy convey what is right and what is not.
Meditation is the ultimate solution for everything!
Kindly check this link below to read more about meditation, help you fix mental health and helps you heal emotionally:
10. Write letters
Write a thank you letter to someone today and you will experience the beauty of your life instantly! By giving out gratitude, life becomes a place to be grateful for…
Hope these 10 points will nourish you in the journey towards achieving powerful mental health and emotional health.
And by the way, I said that Mental health is not just about the mind, it is about the whole system that can heal or hamper the Universe because every individual has manifested whatever is existing on the planet right now. Imagine if someone suffering their mental health, what you expect them to manifest? Pain and suffering. And in the same way, Imagine people who are healed and have a healthy mental state, they can manifest greater things!
For more such reads, kindly check out my website: www.mady.blogm
To read more about mental health, check this link.
P.S: I am super excited to share my first book ‘BREEZE BROUGHT YOU BACK‘!!!
Get your copy from AMAZON or from GOLDRIBBON (avail 10% discount).

You can reach me on Instagram: (madhavi_chiguru)
GMAIL: wowbymady09@mady
Stay at easy… Cheers!
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