Words are powerful and words are all that I have!
Posted below are a few recent posts from my social media sites which are my new favorite and close to my heart.
1. Don’t use all your energy on the wrong people. I say this from my experience. You know someone isn’t right for you (friend or partner) but you keep pouring your time and energy into their red flags expecting them to turn green, magically.
But when you look back, you will find how much you are sunk into their toxicity and realize that you don’t have any more energy left to fight for your own healing when you step out. Be in your own power and guard your emotional health, don’t let it drain.

2. Use meditation almost for everything! Meditate to calm your thoughts by shutting them down for few minutes… I am not saying you can shut them down completely but you shouldn’t get identified with them. Let them pass by, but don’t invest your time and emotional energy into it.
Practice this, for a start, with 10seconds, later to 30seconds. When you reach a state where you are focusing only on your breathing, you will find all the answers through your emotions and feeling from deep within, stay calm and listen to your inner self.

3. No matter how much you love a person, while you feel attached, consciously stay detached to gaurd your heart. Put yourself first in all the ways and don’t ever neglect yourself because in the end, ‘YOU’ will exist for you.

4. When I was 12years old, I had a cousin living with us, because of which I was not just learning to be a good daughter to my parents, but also a good friend because of my cousin. She used to teach me how to share with others what is going on with me without feeling vulnerable. And she taught me how to control the emotions that usually make me feel sad than the actual.
I learned independence even while I was dependent on my parents and cousin by saving money from what they used to give me to gift them occasionally, doing this, I learned kindness. I would suggest it is easy to practice such qualities with people who love us; because, in the process of practicing all this, even if you mess it up, you have a team to back you up until you do it right while these qualities become your own personality as you grow up.

5. Love is suppose to feel this way… and nothing below that! Have you found your comforter? This is my most favorite post!

6. Listen, my friend, I would suggest you rather stress once while it happens instead of stressing over it mentally, emotionally, and for real. Thank god if you have people around you to communicate upfront, instead of assuming and killing the energy, it would be a fair idea to save it to use during the situations you need the most.

7. Life happens to everyone. No matter what you going through right now, don’t give up, stay in Hope and never give up because the phase that you are in today will pass on by time but you will still have to experience life… yes All the good. All the not-so-good!

8. When you are deeply wounded, you hope you had someone who could hear you out till you feel better. In this process, when you lock yourself up in a room feeling dark, shut the blinds to cry out all your pain, while you think nobody heard you, but you hear birds cooing, you know it was for you that makes you feel truly heard.

9. The Universe takes over when you are ready to have blind faith without proof. Listen to stories on miracles, the law of attraction, manifestation, and I bet that will change your entire life and while you practice living such magical life, you will start witnessing favor from the Universe.

10. Have you ever thought about Good Karma? Keep watching out for all that your good Karma got for you, appreciate it as you receive!

About my writings:
Words just don’t flow free all the time, these are the words that soaked in my tears before putting up here. I usually find it tough to express those deep emotions out of me using a keypad, because these are certainly much more than just words… Writing is SOUL WORK!
Hope you guys too like this post. To read more from me, check my website HERE.
There are more such reads you would feel good reading them, one of my favourite is THIS!
P.S: I am super excited to share my first book ‘BREEZE BROUGHT YOU BACK‘!!!
Get your copy from AMAZON or from GOLDRIBBON (avail 10% discount).

You can reach me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com (madhavi_chiguru)
GMAIL: wowbymady09@mady
Stay happy and keep yourself flexible to change 🙂
Happy Reading guys!
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