If sad times are permanent, it would’ve been a normal routine in humankind… I mean, We would greet each other with tears, hate people for looking happy, slap people for using positive words, we would’ve run Youtube channel videos teaching people “How to improve negative thinking?” or “5 easy tips for instant sadness” or “Do this if you want someone to hate you unconditionally” that reaches a million views. Isn’t it?
So, Why do you cry as if you own sad times forever?
The good news is, it’s a phase and that too will pass!
Those who cry today will laugh tomorrow, and those who laugh tomorrow should be grateful for the moment while it lasts.
A personal note with a smile:
My friend, start looking at everything differently that allows you to have soothing music inside your mind, soul, and heart. Why you provoking your difficult emotions to control you when you have a choice to use your better/feel-good emotions like forgiveness, loving, kindness, acceptance, excitement instead of anxiety.
REMEMBER: Thoughts are released out from within… outside world only have power if you allow it to take over you.