
WHEN THEY CHANGE, REMEMBER THIS! Practice these 5 points to unstuck yourself with the change. Ready?

I would like to share a harsh truth about change. But the good part is that, I say it well.

So those people you once liked, loved, or knew changed a lot now. Right?

They were so good before that you were so comfortable with them, you both laughed at those jokes so hard that it is hard to make them smile with the same jokes now, you don’t like this change in them… you so wish they were the same person right?

You know what? Let me say this: ‘they aren’t gonna come back to what you name it as ‘old version of them’’.

Sorry, but they are very comfortable in their new skin. You like it or no, they are so comfortable with themselves just the way you were comfortable with them before.

They don’t regret it, they don’t find it difficult, and they aren’t even willing to put in any efforts to change the way they are right now.

You know why?

While you were guarding their heart by being the same person who gave the same love, same warmth, and same freedom; there were a few others in the background you didn’t know have deeply broken them, and shattered them to a point they couldn’t help themselves by being the same person anymore.

While they were trying hard to rescue themselves, they found someone started pulling them up. That someone could be the hurt, the fear, their broken heart, or the mind that was manipulated. It demands to find a new language to communicate, a new version of them. And that helped them heal slowly.

They believe that, this part of their life was much needed to be who they are today, and they take a lot of pride in that process.

Well, so accept their change. Accept the willingness of your heart to change their priority. And be okay to meet people who wouldn’t be the same forever.

Though it feels difficult right now to accept that the person you thought was meant only for you—wasn’t an existing truth, gulp it before making any further move to move on.

Now let us work on how to move forward with it!

Below steps will lead you to never look back for what doesn’t carry same energy for you:

1.) I would like you to think about all those people who think you’ve changed so much and aren’t happy with it. Let’s Pause for a while you think, my post can wait before jumping to the next point (HA-HA). Seriously, Think! Carry them on your mind for a little while.

2.) Do you feel bad for those people whom you left behind while they still holding onto their original self, unlike you? (You might be changed for great reasons or good reasons, doesn’t matter. but you know you’ve).

3.) Now, I want you to imagine their place as yours in the minds of those people you think have changed. How do you like it? Nah? That’s simple, the answer is that for a few—we never change. But there is always another side. Two sides can’t be in your control.

Read it again if it didn’t sink well. Or I can simplify here by saying: One out of two always has the freedom to change. If you don’t like to be felt left-out in others’ minds, don’t show as you do!

4.) Always be flexible to change your priority list. The only list that should be changed as many times as possible is the ‘Priority list’ because people change and we cannot be stuck where they left us.

5.) As you move forward after reading this post, I want you to embrace those people you still vibe on the same level and have a good time as long as the energy still chooses you over and over again. People either of you would change anyway. Harsh truth!

Appreciate you for taking time out to read this on my Blog!

You can find more about change by clicking on this link:

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P.S: I am super excited to share my first book ‘BREEZE BROUGHT YOU BACK‘!!!

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Stay happy and keep yourself flexible to change 🙂

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