
WEDDING TOAST! Beautifully becoming 1…

Wedding toast – where heaven is on LIVE, and the whole world that matters is around.

People fall in love, but a wedding lifts them up together and toast for a lifetime. Isn’t it so magical that two people coming together could make such a wonderful change in the world?

It isn’t about the decoration, lights, music, or guests. Wedding is truly about the Bride & Groom. It is a celebration that would belong to them for the rest of their lives.

We all want to belong to someone with love and make life worth living for each other.

A wedding is a day where emotions are in the air and we fall short of words. The day will forever be remembered for the smiles and the tears we shed in happiness while it is a feast to the eyes.

Here I am writing a few beautiful emotions also worth laughing out of fun at these below letters…

Check them out!

An emotional letter by Father to his loving daughter who couldn’t give much time to her:

To my lovely Daughter,

Thank god I couldn’t give my daughter time while she was growing up.
she would’ve freaked out to know that no matter how much a man loves a woman, later on, all that love multiplies and shift towards their daughter that would make her Mumma crazy!
Just kidding, no not really, ok jokes apart –  I know I have been a father without much time for you, but you know I always loved you more than anything in the world. I am a proud father to have a daughter who is so uplifting, bold, smart, and loving. I must agree that you chose a wonderfully wise man who would give you all his time to his wife and yes, I also paid the groom a huge amount to give you time on behalf of me as well, because what I paid to the groom is my whole life, my daughter!

A friend letter to the bride

Nancy, frankly after today, I have no idea how to go about my life. You are wonderful, amazing, charming, I am your best friend, and trust me it feels too boring to praise you more than this.

So Coming to the point, You are yet to give me back my Ruby Red lipstick and my shoes that you borrowed to impress the gentleman beside you… please it is time to give it back to me because I just found your neighbor here and I gotta give my best shot to impress him because that would be the only way to stay with you for the rest of my life! 

Thank you for simply being YOU, Nancy. We celebrate your presence.

Guy best friend to the Bride

Monica, Every morning I wake up, I hear Mum shouting at me “hell yea get up, I will complain Monica how lazy you getting day by day”, and I reply, “no Mumma, I will get you pizza, don’t say her anything “.

You have not just been my best friend, but a strict version of my mom, and a caring version of my dad’. Though I miss my dad at times; with you, it feels a little less painful.

I know, now you belong to someone forever, wow forever, you both are so lucky to have each other as partners for life. To you, when you look back, you will find me looking for you… but for me, I don’t look back because everything else comes next to you.

I know it is too much to expect for you to be available for friends the same way after this day, but I will always be incomplete without you.

Love, Joey!


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P.S: I am super excited to share my first book ‘BREEZE BROUGHT YOU BACK‘!!!

Get your copy from AMAZON or from GOLDRIBBON (avail 10% discount).

You can reach me on Instagram: (madhavi_chiguru)

GMAIL: wowbymady09@mady

Stay at ease, Cheers!

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