The Present Moment Is The Only Living Promise.
How many times in life we provoked ourselves, broke ourselves, and suffered ourselves even when everything is absolutely perfect in the present? Do you understand how much of YOU are responsible for making your life so difficult?
The good news is that, if you could delete your name from the list of ‘people who are making your life difficult’, 80% of the problem vanishes, and the remaining 20% of difficult people exist in everyone’s life and that is inevitable, but still, you can handle them if you simply move that 80% of you from that list to the list of ‘people who makes you happy’.
Make things easy for you by recreating an image of LIFE in your mind that looks easy and hassle-free. Start practicing to pull yourself back to the present moment every time you worry about the future or suffer something from the past.
Life is right now, right now as you read this post, at this moment and so I know I should make it worthwhile.
When you thinking or talking about the future, you are assuming that you gonna live for that long, you taking life for granted, and life doesn’t like that, not even you, nothing lasts long when you take it for granted.
In the same way, when you think about the past, you should understand that you cannot undo what has happened, the only way to help yourself from past suffering is by changing the way you look at what went wrong.
Let me give you an example:
If I was wronged by someone, my way of looking at it is changed by simply accepting that whatever happened has happened for my own good (yes, even if it feels insufferable with whatever happened) and then, everyday talk to yourself how far you have come because of that situation or person, and surely the experience is not gonna go in vain.
Don’t try hard to understand or analyze why’s and what’s, when the time is right, you will know it and it will make sense then.
Pull yourself into the present moment by looking at the present surrounding and know that you are in your control in the NOW state.
After all, experiences only come from bad experiences, but whereas, good experiences only remain as good memories.
I love to talk about what happens when you live in the past or future. Either it is fear of yesterday or anxiety for tomorrow, the answer is the same and simple, You will suffer more in imagination than the reality, and that is a very damaging state to be in. Here is why, it is because, while you suffer in reality, you are already draining your mental and emotional energy in your mental state and you will be left no more energy to deal with it in reality.
And another reason why it is a damaging state is that sometimes what you feel in your imagination might not even happen but, by trying to prepare yourself for something that doesn’t even exist yet, you are setting your repeated emotion to uncertainty and fear.
I dealt with fear for a very long time (and trust me nothing ever existed except in my own mind) and it really hampered my confidence in ways I can’t express in words. It is the worst facial expression, I mean, we don’t even look good with fear (hahaha).
Whoever is reading this now, I want to ask you what are your fear?
Let me tell you, If fear got any power, show me what is that you ever scared of losing ever stayed forever? And what is that you kept running away from never stayed?
As you answer this, I want you to make notes of all the reasons that you could think of that created certain fear, and that’s how one can find the core reason.
Once you figure out the reason, try finding a way to either face it or finish it. And yes, you can also talk to a therapist if required, perhaps it would work great for you.
Isn’t it a real gift to have such a promising moment from the universe/God whatever you call it, is this not what we keep seeking from other people, a promise that they would keep forever?
But when we don’t stay in the present moment, it only shows that we do not have a habit of appreciating even when someone keeping up their promises (God’s promise exists in the present moment). It only means that we will forever seek something which we don’t even know and that will take away the essence of our life gradually.
Practice developing faith in everything simply by holding on to a place called the ‘present moment’.
Do check out my post on meditation which helped me to practice what I preach.
Also check out this external link that would help you understand more.
Also, check this video by Sandeep Maheshwari who explained it so beautifully that makes you feel easy about the whole idea.
P.S: I am super excited to share my first book ‘BREEZE BROUGHT YOU BACK‘!!!
Get your copy from AMAZON or from GOLDRIBBON (avail 10% discount).

You can reach me on Instagram: (madhavi_chiguru)
GMAIL: wowbymady09@mady
Stay at ease, Cheers!
Thank you so much for this post Madhavi!!!
What you said is absolutely true & living in the present is a valuable gift which most of them don’t do or try or agree though.. because everyone have their own fear about many stuffs.. Some fear about their studies, some fear about their relationship, some fear about getting settled in abroad, some fear about living their next hour of life.
I remember this beautiful verse “one will not be happy or in peace if he/she knew what’s going to be their future”
Good luck for your writing.