respect, mirror affirmation

Signs that you don’t love and respect yourself enough! 10 basic points to spot!

Respect yourself more than you discount yourself!

The important thing is to accept that we having a problem to approve of ourselves, and only then we can think about to fix it. So, below mentioned as some of those pointers that are commonly found in people who lack self-respect.

1. You choose a brighter shade of compact powder or a foundation for your make-up look rejecting your actual complexation.

You might explain that, choosing a brighter shade could be an actual requirement, and that is okay… but I am addressing someone who knows deep inside that this is for them!

To those who really do:

Those who are not comfortable with their complexation should highly consider learning the power of self-acceptance. The first step towards discovering your true self starts from accepting who you truly are!

I too had an issue accepting my beautiful, sexy and flawless dusky skin tone when I was young and needless to mention how much I suffered taking every comment personally and also those comments which never meant anything about me or my complexation.

When you don’t learn what you are and accept how you look, you will start consuming all the not-so-good comments from everywhere as if they are arrowing towards you and that would be self-sabotaging!

I am sure you heard about mirror work by Louise Hay (also check some of her videos on youTube, she is a powerful woman who changed so many lives), it is certain that we all have to have acceptance and there is way to do it that can make us feel complete with ourselves… I highly recommend you to really accept how you look and what you call as your flaws with utmost respect that could change your life.

2. Looking at others and drawing temporary motivation or get influenced to become someone else to be liked by somebody.

We all have done this at one point in time. What really it means is that, when we are getting carried away or influenced by the style in which people do things we tend to forget our powers and we discount on our ways to do things in our own way. There is a power in staying original!

3. Not wearing your confidence but borrowing others confidence on your outfit and look.

Yes, we do it and call it normal… but it is not! When you start to gain confidence through other people way of looking at you, there are high chances that you would be shattered if ever they put you down and never give that power to anybody.

The best is to learn to be patient with yourself and become confident enough about yourself in your way for which, it requires you to have full acceptance about yourself (ref to 1st point).

4. Someone questions your identity and you know you shouldn’t be taken for granted. Though you give an ultimatum but turn back to them anyway without being much concerned about conditions before continuing.

Sounds familiar? Yeah, we do that oftentimes unknowingly. We let someone talk shit to us about us and we get mad at them and show how unacceptable it is to you. After they feed your mood back to normal with cute words and cute sorries, you let them in anyway.

By doing this, you are teaching others that it is okay for them to belittle you and you would stick around with them anyway! Please, don’t ever do this to yourself! Be firm and let people know that you can comfortably cut them down if they don’t match your high standards! Do it because you love yourself!

5. You set your standards by looking at someone else’s standard that can win an argument! Have your own standards that define the upgraded you.

I mean, it happens at times where we are looking at some well known people in videos those are going viral or in movies, and believe that this is how we need to act with someone or while dealing a situation. Isn’t it funny while we try to copy someone else’s action or reactions? People can spot you up when you act fake!

Set your own standard of actions and reactions you would want to put forward with people or situation because that will define you as an individual. And you are always attracting people who suit your reactive nature you agree or not!

In all the ways, display how you conduct yourself!

6. Though you don’t feel love for someone, but allow them to keep expressing their feelings for you without letting them know that you don’t receiprocate just to feel superior and important.

One of the most cruel and foolish thing you could ever do is to wake up someone’s deeper side for you without you being ready to involve in it!

It is very disturbing how many people these days have aloneness management going down in standards. We can do better things to own someone’s respect, importance and value. People who are happy seeing someone breaking down emotionally for them needs an immediate help!

Don’t ever do this if you really love yourself and respect yourself enough! Find pride in simply expressing them your rejection. They will someday, eventually, respect you for not entertaining them.

7. Self-pity to seek attention and disrespecting yourself to seek others validation.

I find this as a common/normal issue which should stop sounding normal.

It is very funny when people criticize or lower themselves so that the others around start uplifting them! People anyway want to always find reasons to feed themselves that they are greater than others, whereas you, give them the reason why they should look at you like a lost puppy who lost his head!

Respect yourself enough to let others know you are worth having around and not a sick person who requires assistance! You just need to decide to display the greatness you got in yourself because we all are gifted with something that is worth appreciating. Look deep inside of you and find it out!

8. You know what is right and what is not, but still find excuse to do the latter part.

Stop finding excuses why you need to skip your school, or why you need to delay writing that book, or to take that course! Dropdown all this nonsense and get on with something that is right for you no matter what!

9. Changing your opinion as soon as someone else opinion sound strong.

Have you ever caught yourself deleting or editing your opinion on a comment box immediately after reading someone else’s strong viewpoint?

Have you ever caught yourself changing your decision because others decision sounded more powerful?

Needless to mention in detail what point I want to prove here… you know what I want to say. Don’t do that!

Stay with what you got to say, and stick with what you know you gotta do!

10. Taking financial help from others but not paying back on time or never at all.

I could judge you from here if you fall under this category…

Guys, It is considered to be highly disrespectful and display your low ethics.

Please do these:

*Let them know that you know you gotta return them that money!

*Really find ways to fulfil that debt!

*Show them you are trying your best.

*Never ask again till the previous pay is settled.

I hope you liked what you read and let me know your views at:

For more about self-respect and standards, check out this external link:

P.S: I am super excited to share my first book ‘BREEZE BROUGHT YOU BACK‘!!!

Get your copy from AMAZON or from GOLDRIBBON (avail 10% discount).

You can reach me on Instagram: (madhavi_chiguru)

GMAIL: wowbymady09@mady

Stay at ease… Cheers!

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