Self-love says ‘Hi’ to you wherever you are reading this from!
We all love the idea of Self-Love, but how to truly love ourselves? These 5 steps will not only lead you there but every step could be life-changing. What differently we can do is that, while reading, pause after every step and follow what I say… Sounds good? Let’s get started!
Step 1. Full ACCEPTANCE of who you truly are:
The first and foremost thing to do is to have a deep acceptance of who you are!
Write down exactly what you feel about yourself and more importantly who you really are!
Practice being honest and loyal with yourself first.
It could be as blunt as ‘I love watching porn while having my lunch’ or ‘I hate to see people around me happy when I am sad!
Just write down whatever you are without manipulating about you and all your flaws (even if it makes you feel sick). Don’t judge yourself.
For you to be your own lover, you need to take a close look at yourself vividly.
Self-love is not just about getting a body spa, or brand shopping, or gift wrapping and writing ‘To myself with love’. Self-love means you are embracing the truest self before finding a strong WHY to make certain necessary changes to attain a better version of yourself, a New you!
If I am not wrong, you are the same people who get captivated with the words like self-love, self-care, self-worth… I am one of them, and trust me on this, that just wishing to do something good to yourself itself is the first step towards self-love!
Pause here and list down points about you now (It is okay, take your own sweet time).
Step 2. Crisp & clear PRIORITIES:
Write down what your priorities are and stick to them!
I must say that after clearly learning my priorities, it changed my whole life.
When you read or hear this ‘know your priorities’ you might mentally believe that you know what they are, but when you actually write it down consciously, it changes the whole game. Try it out now!
Mine was something like this:

So, it comes down to: 1. My Parents, 2. Myself and 3. My relationship.
Simple! Now I know what to focus on, how much to focus on, what to take too seriously and what not to!
Pause here and write down your Priorities now!
Step 3: Show me your ROUTINE:
I can’t stress how important it is to have a Routine! A person who plans a routine and a person who does not have a routine has a massive difference in their lifestyle!
You should plan a day in a way that makes you self-sufficient!
Isn’t it beautiful that no matter who comes, who goes, or who stays, you always have a routine to go back to? It is like You are there for YOU no matter what and that is unshakeable!
To explain my routine for an example: I kick start my day at 5 AM sharp (I do follow MEL ROBBINS 5 seconds Rule for this) and fill my whole day with To-Do’s, my hobbies, my goals, and everything I love to do in a day with a timeline also, adding some break time to entertain my distractions so that it doesn’t distract me without my permission anytime in-between… and finally I hit the sack at 2230.
Over a period of time, I learned that in good days and not-so-good days, I always have a fixed lifestyle that teaches me I am enough, more than enough!
Set your Routine now, if not now(because it takes a little detailed idea and time), make a point to do it today because it could change your life instantly. Soon you and people around you will notice that you make a difference and inspire others to take some meaningful action towards their better life.
Step 4. Check on your THOUGHTS and interact with them:
The beauty of 24hours in a day is all yours and can you imagine how many wonderful things you could do simply by choosing to make a difference in this world?
I mean all of us are gifted with 24Hours in a day, and how you want to make use of that is absolutely your choice.
One thing surely you got to focus on is to constantly keep a track of your thoughts and interact with them. Appreciate your good thoughts and address your not-so-good thoughts.
Remember: You are who you are when no one is watching you! While you are the master of your thoughts and before your mind runs you, you learn to run your mind!
It is very essential to check what thoughts are going in your mind, and if they are not feel-good thoughts or ideas while you working on yourself to become the best version of who you are, you got to sit and start talking with those thoughts to learn where it is coming from and what to do to get rid of such judgemental or negative thoughts.
You believe it or not, it gets very easy when you learn that all the thoughts are your prewired perceptions and you can rewire it again by changing your viewpoint(look at the same thought from another side) on it.
Talk to yourself.
Step 5: Be around someone who will remind you of the ‘NEW YOU’ while some prints of ‘OLD YOU’ revisits you:
As you work on yourself to become a better YOU, it is very normal that the old you with the old mindset and old reaction revisits every now and then, and this is too normal.
Do not get disturbed when you react to a situation in a way you used to react while trying hard to keep calm or react maturely unlike before. It is normal and doesn’t be hard on yourself. You will make progress soon and believe in me as I say this because I been in that place.
While trying to avoid overreacting to difficult situations, I took the help of a good confidant who is my close friend.
I gave her power to keep reminding me about my progress in becoming a better self and to remind me every time my old self tries to come in a way ruining my efforts while bettering myself. And this way it got easier to make progress, and now I am more aware in advance how to respond instead of reacting.
Ways to help yourself for speedy progress:
1. A good friend
2. Write about every little thing and write what changes you want to make (Keep a track of what you up to).
3. Prayer changes things.
4. Gratitude journal (You always have reasons to feel grateful).
5. Meditation (Click here to check on this subject).
Think about this step and look out for possible help in your own comfort.
Hope you liked what you read. Check my website: www.mady.blogm for more such posts and write to me: and share with me how you feel.
Also for more about Self-Love, check this LINK
P.S: I am super excited to share my first book ‘BREEZE BROUGHT YOU BACK‘!!!
Get your copy from AMAZON or from GOLDRIBBON (avail 10% discount).

You can reach me on Instagram: (madhavi_chiguru)
GMAIL: wowbymady09@mady
Stay at ease, Cheers!