meditation, meditation


MEDITATION – Only if you wish for your peace

We all know the beauty of making someone smile, treating someone special, creating some fun space around, and other beautiful stuff that you could alone do with nothing or anyone else. But what about difficult moments with troublesome people in your life?

I recently realized something and I am excited that’s truly fascinating and worth learning. Did you know that every individual has hell and heaven within them? Yes, that’s true… Here is how, controlling someone’s way of living or controlling their freedom is hell, and whereas letting someone simply be the way they are in heaven. That’s it!

Just start practicing allowing people to simply letting them be who they are no matter how difficult it is for you, and by the time you will experience heaven within.

You might wonder, perhaps you would want to ask “but they drive me crazy how do I experience heaven?” Well, I understand the point, but what I recommend here is that you need to detach yourself from other people’s emotions and actions because you already have your own emotions and actions to deal with.

Every time something that annoys you happen, simply focus on the present moment and say to yourself that the situation is happening outside of me (in a distance away from you with a person or group of people), the person is reacting there, or it is their voice, their mind, their action and you have nothing to do with it, keep guarding your mind and resist reactive behavior. 

I totally empathize that it isn’t easy but only practice makes one perfect! It is always a gift to have difficult people in our circle, use them to push yourself to become the best version of yourself.


One way you could gift yourself a new set of perceptions or reactions is through meditation. Set up a new recording to react to every situation by sitting still and train your subconscious mind.

Meditation is very effective to rewire your mind by practicing calmness.

Calming myself down with repeated practice helped me to slow down to see things clearly by understanding what are the key issues I need to address instead of reacting out beyond the size of the situation with which I end up creating additional issues.

We all need to understand that more than the actual situation, our reactive behavior either causes more suffering or defuse the whole situation.


The other day, I had some disagreements with my friend, and that was almost led to the end of our friendship (especially because of the reaction we r putting out unintentionally).

I took a deep breath and sat calmly allowing my friend to keep saying whatever she wants to and during this time; I said to myself that the person who is provoking me right now is in a distance and started understanding that it is not even my mind, my emotion, my words, and I immediately detached my energy from her energy.

I simply responded to her by saying, Yes You must be right and I am sorry, can we just hug and calm ourselves down (I said it like I mean it)?

Though she was hesitant as I suddenly pulled her up to my energy of calmness, she had nothing more to say because I replied by saying that I agree and that she was right; she still looked heated but came close to hug me. We had a moment where we said to ourselves that our connection is much deeper than this disagreement.

Defuse the detraction:

What did I do here? I let her win the argument; I gave her all the power by eliminating mine; I used my new reactive behavior to defuse the situation because I understand that we are all defined by the energy we carry and not by our ego. When you look at every situation from a little distance, we will know exactly what to repair and how to respond without disturbing our inner peace.

If you don’t want to stress, do not give out stress. If you want peace, give out peace. What you want to happen to you has got a direct connection to what you give out. Simple!


  1. Preparation (Let your mind feel that you are preparing before performing meditation, Mind appreciates your very little effort before supporting you).
  2. Make place a cozy corner (Your mind and soul loves a calm place before you calm down intentionally).
  3. Set your intention (To rewire reactions, breathing technique, calm down, release stress, open to receive answers to your prayer, to develop patience before facing a challenging day, and a lot more).
  4. Play either guided meditation or calm music depending on your intention
  5. Sit and let go of all the stress.
  6. Imagination is essential
  7. Believe your intention is coming into reality during meditation
  8. Try to write down whatever comes to your mind during meditation.

I am certain that if you read this far, you would as well make the most of it.

Few pointers to stay in magic forever:





I hope this read will bring that space within you to understand the importance of meditation and why it is essential to meditate.

You could also check out this external link below to understand more than this explanation.

P.S: I am super excited to share my first book ‘BREEZE BROUGHT YOU BACK‘!!!

Get your copy from AMAZON or from GOLDRIBBON (avail 10% discount).

You can reach me on Instagram: (madhavi_chiguru)

GMAIL: wowbymady09@mady

Stay at ease, Cheers!!

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