
POWER WITHIN YOU! Written this 1 for you with care!


Are you waiting for someone to take a stand for you? Let me tell you a harsh truth that No one is coming, no one except yourself, know that you are enough.

Shut that door for such a hope, lock yourself up in the room, and let your inner strong self find its way out.

Do not self-pity.  You are doing no good to yourself by sticking around those people who aren’t good for your mental health.

I want you to C A L M D O W N. Focus on your breath. Observe. Observe now.

Now that you accept, let us fix you as you read…

First, let those difficult people in your life say whatever they have to, let them do what they have to, detach your nose from their business (it is who they are).

Don’t approve of their actions and words by reacting to what they say, because that’s what their goal is, to ruin your mental peace, so, don’t let your reactive self show up!

You kept giving them your attention, which is their only power. This is the time to take it back…

If you feel that there is a necessity to let them know how they make you feel, I suggest you sit with yourself first and speak out loud about everything that is bothering you. You will surprise yourself with the solutions you would figure out on your own.

When you seek support from someone to back you up because someone else is screwing your mind, guess what, anyone can break the ones who rely on someone else to fix them. I want YOU to be the reason to pick yourself up this time.

Screw it, it’s okay, but deal with it on your own because this learning is a must.. learning how to find your own way.

There is an immense Power in fixing yourself. Till the time you can’t handle difficult things on your own, difficult things keep happening to you. No, I am not saying it won’t happen again; but, even if it happens, you will focus on the lesson rather than finding yourself in a state of helplessness. 

While you try to share your issues with others, do not show your victim mentality to anyone no matter what… you never know who would use it against you, because people change without notification.

This time I want you to fix your damage on your own. Hire yourself. You got this! You can do it! 

After you do it once, you will stop giving people an unnecessary 5-star service.

We always fall apart in life when we can’t set principles and values in place. You don’t know what to look for in people, and to what extent you should tolerate them.

Few lines for every individual:

Remember, people out there are looking for someone who looks like a solution and not like a problem.

What we often forget is that we living in a world where we have all the freedom to live life in ways convenient to every individual. Appreciating someone or criticizing someone costs nothing, takes the same energy but the results differ.

Do you really think we all have to have our rules rubbed on others? Of course not! We cannot stand other people’s rules just like how others don’t have to understand your definition of right and wrong, good or bad, and anything pertaining to standards.

The only power you got to uplift in yourself is to understand that we are all different and we need to ignore anything that comes in our way which doesn’t enhance us.

Ignorance is a bliss!

P.S: I am super excited to share my first book ‘BREEZE BROUGHT YOU BACK‘!!!

Get your copy from AMAZON or from GOLDRIBBON (avail 10% discount).


You can reach me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com (madhavi_chiguru)

GMAIL: wowbymady09@mady

Stay at ease, Cheers!

1 thought on “POWER WITHIN YOU! Written this 1 for you with care!”

  1. Hi Kevin,

    Sharing is always a good thing… but in here, I am relating the post to those few who have more of blaming mentality.
    We sometimes tend to give more power to such people by sharing what is going on with us… and later on we realise how they use all that we share against us.

    Opening up with people like that is like dumping a stone into a goo. So, this post suggests how not to get the dirt spill on us:)

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