
Letter To My Lovely Overthinkers, Remember These 11 PowerPoints.

Well, I was overthinking about writing this, and that’s going to be my last time to overthink.

This is my letter to you on how to guard your tiny heart that often gets hampered because of your very own mind.

Who am I?
I am just another deep thinker like you who learned ‘what to accept’ to shut my nonstop mental chatter.

1.) If you overthink when someone doesn’t reply, stop messaging them first.

2.) If buying someone develop expectations on them to start treating you exclusively or gift you something better in return, stop gifting.

3.) If you think, in love, the other person can’t choose space and freedom, stop thinking about serious relationships. Either you become toxic or the other person gets toxic when understanding isn’t mutual.

4.) If something bothers you more than twice, it is worth to express it out. 

5.) If you can’t handle people sharing your little secret with others, never ever share.

6.) If you don’t like someone else getting into your personal space, convey firmly how much you value your privacy.

7.) If helping someone lets you expect them to be grateful to you forever, do not even bother to hear them out.

8.) If they ask you out without learning about you first, use your finger, not to type but to show to way them out.

9.) While trusting someone, if you aren’t ready to accept their flawed side, stop trusting people because no one is ever perfect.

10.) If your meaning of success makes you overlook true love and those people who belong to you, change your definition of success.

11.) If you think doing it might lead you to overthink, don’t do it. If you think doing it could help you end your overthinking, do it.

In the list of 11 valuable points above, all I meant was that there is always a possibility on the latter part, an inevitable reality. I want you to move on from mental chattering by accepting the reality.

To keep our connection going, Let me share an example that you could possibly relate.

‘Sometimes we react like somebody else, but take the experience on our own terms. This is why there is suffering.’

what do I mean? Example: The other day, my friend who is a team leader in an IT company shared with me how he dealt with his team member on his poor performance. He said that he was rude and gave him an ultimatum to quit his job if such performance repeats. Later, in the same week, I had a similar situation to which I reacted the same way with my team member… call it influenced but I couldn’t feel good about it. It kept me overthinking and questioning my compassionate personality.

The next day, I went to the office and made the right choice of words to apologize for being rude the other day. And rather I firmly explained my expectations on him and how to score better the next time.

Apologising for my own action instantly stopped me from overthinking it.

This is why I quoted above that ‘We sometimes react like someone to a situation, but consider the conclusion in our own terms’. Because while reacting my mind reacts to what influences me, but I take the conclusion personally because that’s where my own personality comes in picture.

Always remember that if you react, you are influenced. If you respond, You are as you are.

Pro tip: If you are someone who dwells in the past, give today some good memories. Consciously take time out to make choices and schedule how to run your today, so that tomorrow you might dwell in today.
Going forward your past is up to you.

For more such reads, follow this link: http://mady.blog

Also, to read more on the same subject, travel to this link which is my personal favourite:


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