
Let us talk about standards. Be 1 in a million. Yes to Self- Improvement!

Standards that we stand for:

Imagine the love you could conquer by being self-sufficient.

The less you care, the more they care.

Hi there!

Well, have you ever spoke to someone and felt they are so captivating in ways they define themselves? And you are so distracted that you confused it with love?

We all did, I did too!

So when have you realized that you don’t feel the same anymore with them?

Have you ever notice that it wasn’t the person, but it’s just an idea of that person who was interesting?

Do you regret the time, emotions, energy that you invested in someone who wasn’t the same as they portrayed to be?

Have you answered the above questions?

If you did, now read ‘someone’ as if it’s you who people didn’t find worthy holding on to.

Nah, not to demotivate you, but let us learn the cost of not knowing that ‘You are the prize’, and ‘you are more than enough’.

Otherwise, YOU will be the reason people keep ghosting you!

First of all, Ladies and gentlemen, Please understand that the entire world is running with one concept seeking validation from others.

In a world full of such people, we fall for someone who doesn’t care much about what others got to say and giving others no power to approve them.

Most people are afraid to find someone who knows their worth, and even more scared to lose them… because they know, with or without them, they are self-sufficient.

Build-in silence, people don’t know what to attack! (Cool, isn’t it?).

Stay mysterious and keep people excited to figure out what you are up to.

Never give power to others to bring negative emotions out of you for their behavior or their words, learn not to react… learn to detach the moment you feel attacked. When you do so, it makes them go crazy for two reasons:

1.) They know they have no access to you.

2.) They can’t undo their behavior or take their words back (because it didn’t work out for them to pull you down to their level, instead, you kept yourself high).

Look, guys, we are all flawed, but it is never too late to fix yourself starting today.

Most of us lost self-esteem, confidence, attitude, mental health, physical health, and most importantly lost ourselves… because we used our imperfections as an excuse so that others would accept us…because the world tried calming you down by saying ‘we are human, we are not perfect, we all have flaws’.

Start pulling yourself together and go conquer yourself to the fullest and add super standards to define self. No one needs to play a part in your life to keep you full.

Before working on yourself first by setting up some strict disciplines, don’t expect your relationship with others to work. It would not suffice you for too long. Trust me.

Start writing a journal every day, add quality to the person who is reading this now (YOU), start a routine (preferably road work), work on your values to raise your standards, have your own rules.

Detox people from your contact list, unfriend those Facebook friends, unfollow Instagram profiles, and other social media that don’t make you feel good about yourself. I don’t care if they are your family members, best of friends, or colleagues, if they don’t have an ability to make you feel worthy CUT THEM OFF

There are billions of people in the world. You let that one person or those few people in your life make you drain your mental energy? I mean, why? Why don’t you value yourself enough? Be bold to expect standards from things and people!

Stop looking for someone to motivate and inspire you. No one is coming. Pull your socks up!

And for those who didn’t answer the above questions, either you have not encountered such people yet, or you are too lazy to figure out what’s going on…

I hope you will find this read helpful and prepare yourself well in advance!

Read more on my blog: www.mady.blogm

P.S: I am super excited to share my first book ‘BREEZE BROUGHT YOU BACK‘!!!

Get your copy from AMAZON or from GOLDRIBBON (avail 10% discount).

You can reach me on Instagram: (madhavi_chiguru)

GMAIL: wowbymady09@mady

Stay happy and keep changing your life for a peaceful living!

1 thought on “Let us talk about standards. Be 1 in a million. Yes to Self- Improvement!”

  1. Wow, this is absolutely extraordinary. The moment I read, it boosted me up.
    This showcases you are a role model and leader in our organization.

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