SO finally the Universe comes in favour to shed some light on what you really need to change about your life. Now you realise that ‘You love your life but’ You Need Certain Lifestyle To Live It Well!
Well, you are not reading this by accident. This is the sign to convey you a message that whatever happened to you is to guide you towards your destiny. You are in safe space!
I am the chosen one to write this for you. I am chosen because I too was in your place once before, where I too wanted to change my life for good and I finally can say that I am not the same person anymore. It’s not because I was mean or had a bad life, but it is merely because I knew I wasn’t making my life work for me.
Without taking much of your time Let’s get to the point on how to design your Lifestyle!
Before writing this for you, I read everything in my mind and heart from back-to-now to bring forth the best message I can share.
Do you know how often your inner-self calls you in for a coffee? Did you care enough to slow down, sit and chat for a while?
“Oh wait! Are you saying someone is inside me calling me on a date? Like seriously Mady!”
I am serious. You are the one who made your inner tone a joke! And let me tell you why.
Every time you wished for someone’s company, it was your inner tone calling you inside. But you assumed that you were in need of someone else from outside!
Every time you were sad and kept asking yourself ‘why me’ it kept calling you to give answers. But you focus a lot on your hurt that you couldn’t hear your own heart.
Every time you were close to making a wrong choice, it called you in the form of an ‘uneasiness about your choice’ but you denied.
This is the time for you to take a major turn before you could start carving your life. So gather all your thoughts and the past, let’s set it all free!
What exactly needs to be done?
Write down your definition about life, love, failure, success, pleasure, fulfilment, purpose, and hurt. Now unlearn the definition that carries a ‘limited belief’ or the ones that you need to change.
(What I mean? example: If my definition of LOVE is in a form of expectation, or a comparison with what I witnessed in movies or other couples, I name this definition as a ‘limited belief’ or as ‘an unhealthy’ definition that is hampering my love-life. Now I will erase the whole definition mentally and wait to rewrite what exactly LOVE means to me by learning about myself first.)
Next, write all those thoughts about your past that keep bothering you (even if it just happened yesterday). We need to let that go for once and all. Remember that letting go of something doesn’t mean that you have to dramatically stop thinking about it or stop hurting yourself. That isn’t possible. Letting go of the past means that it will no longer be your chosen primary thought / your favourite go-to thought spot as you start moving forward.
(For an example, this is my thought about the past that bothers me: “I was always in a state of understanding what my partner wanted. I felt I was the only one in the relationship holding it hard to win”) now I’ll start giving legitimate answers as if someone is seeking my perception. So I would support my thought by convincing myself this way:
“To begin with, it’s a relationship where two people are in together and need to help each other understand how to build their relationship as two different individuals. In addition to that, you should never be stuck in a ‘confused’ state for that long! And you constantly need to feel that you belong to each other no matter how busy you are”. This kind of counselling with myself will slowly ease my thought that I’m tightly holding on to.
We all need to make ourselves feel calm with our own words. When you do so, you are setting your past and your heart free; because now your heart feels heard and knows that someone cared enough to hear. Try it out with each thought of yours. Kindly be patient during this process to unwind every bit of what wounded you. This step is crucial before you get started with a new lifestyle!
Every single day, The Universe credits 24hours of life in everyone’s life account. How are you spending it? Are you using it to enhance your life and your living style? Or are you depleting it by thinking about the past that’s not in your control, or by running miles for someone who isn’t investing their time and energy into you, mutually? Talk to yourself and come to terms with taking every single day seriously because, why not?
Every incredible human I met so far, we shared a great conversation and I always talked about how I changed my lifestyle by scheduling how I spend 24hours. I am instantly their inspiration. But first things first, are you taking that inspiration to build such a lifestyle for yourself too, or are you just creating an image of me? Because what you think of me will not make any difference how I live, but how you start using that zeal will completely benefit you. You are your own boss who makes your own rules.
What I am saying is that we all live together in this Universe and we are surrounded by billions of people (it’s crowded) and we witness everyone’s life like a movie. But it is important that you start looking at yourself just the way you are able to easily look at other people’s living style. So if you listen or watch something that inspires you, it’s a message from the Universe that this very feeling of inspiration or motivation is how you like to live, so get started now’.
Let me share how I run my day (If you don’t, then the day will run you (my favourite quote)).
If I’m having an early flight departure (btw, I am Cabin Crew Incharge) I make sure I wake up a couple of hours prior because I want to wake up for my life and not for work. I give the first hour to myself. I start by brushing my teeth and make a cup of espresso/Americano coffee and write down how I want to feel about my flight today.
If it looks like a hectic day, it is important that you set a perception about how grateful you are to go to work and how much you are willing to offer all that you got for the next 12 hours because it is worth it. And say all those great things about your job; like how it guards your identity as an independent human who is self-sufficient.
Later I meditate for 10-15mins and do Yoga for my back. and there are days I used to go for a 2-3kms walk even if it was at 1am or 2am (I don’t care about the time if that is how I want to start my day). And later I come home, take shower and start getting ready for work.
5AM – 6AM : Wake up, get fresh, coffee or warm water with lemon & honey. Meditate and Yoga.
6AM – 8AM : Roadwork in a ground close to my place (Road work means outdoor walking, jogging, running) and I Love to have some fresh juice on my way back to home.
8AM – 9AM : Freshen up, Create your own aura at home (Keep house, light incense stick, and play some calming music), prepare breakfast or have overnight oats (Oats soaked in unsweetened almond milk, peanut butter, dry fruits, banana (sometimes), cinnamon powder, chia seeds and blueberries– store this mix in the fridge overnight and enjoy it as your breakfast in the morning).
9AM-11AM : Work, or learn anything about my goal. Podcast, Youtube or taking online courses.
11AM – 1PM : Chilling time! Talk to family or friends, I watch FRIENDS show to instantly boost me up. Cook nice food.
1PM – 3PM : Go through my next book draft , check more ways to expand my upcoming venture. Prepare Lunch, and continue with my Book work.
3PM – 5PM : Either take a nap, if not I will write on my blog. Basically I keep this time flexible for anything I wish to do.
5PM – 6PM : MY all time favourite CHAI TIME! I prepare a mast cup of kadak chai with bread toast or chilly cheese bread to munch with. I sit on my balcony playing some nice jazz music, I’ll add reading a book or just looking around the greenery and keep my thoughts flexible and observe how I feel in the moment.
6PM – 8PM : Work out at home or I take a walk without my phone. Buy groceries in the street market or in the supermarket. Will be back home by 7 or 7:30 pm and get fresh.
8 PM – 9 PM: Cook some light food, prepare for the next day (to-do list). I meditate and do breath work before I hit the sack.
Post 9PM I prefer listening to Louise Hay affirmation or meditation with a set timer and I fall asleep. It is important to listen to something calming while you sleep because your subconscious mind is still up and recording information about you. Well, Sometimes it does take me until midnight 1am or 2am to fall asleep, but still I’ll wake up by 6am Max. I know resting for 8hours is needed, but in that case I’ll be sleeping 30% of my life.
Usually I am good-to-go with a proper 4hours rest. And when I think about it, I sleep for 2-3hours before I go on a flight and give my best at work so my company runs into profits, and sometimes we don’t even get to eat, drink water or even sit for a while. I mean if I can do that for others’ success, why not for me? Right 😉 Working for others VS Working for yourself!
Once in a while take yourself out on a coffee date at some beautiful cafe, or go to your favourite bar and have some wine or a cocktail, or cook some nice food and go out for a picnic with friends! No one, absolutely no one stopping you to make a life that you desire!
Make your own schedule on how to use 24hours. While someone chooses to sleep for hours without a goal, someone is choosing sleep to recharge and put in work to get paid off later. You always always have a choice!
Perhaps you are someone who has a complicated image about goals in your mind and that makes you find it is not your thing to set goals. Or perhaps you are someone ‘I am all about goals”… This read serves both the mindsets.
I used to be someone who had a very hard time coming to terms with trusting myself to set goals and chase them. I used to have an ordinary mindset and often used to say “Man, I go to work. I earn. I pay my loans. I eat food. and that’s enough for me”. Then one day I sat with myself and spoke my heart out, I realised that I can extend my mindset to be beyond what a job can make me.
I started to focus on what I often do, and what I like talking about the most. I took a good look at my house, especially my room to find answers to what my purpose is. I didn’t know how to figure out what exactly I can offer to myself or to the world.
BOOM! I found the answer in a million ways!!!!!
I observed that my house is fully packed with BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS! In which I found a lot of notebooks I wrote from my school days about everything and anything. Poems, thoughts, my feelings. I read some letters and notes from others who wrote for me on a farewell day at school, letters in college, and feedback at work.
I understood that I write a lot and that inspires people! “Oh wow, I am a WRITER”, “YES” said my inner voice (as if I finally heard what the Universe wanted to convey to me for years). I felt so emotional at that moment because like “oh wow! My place, my people, my hands kept telling me time and again that I need to write, and I find joy and peace every time I do this.
Though it took a lot of years for me to realise this, once I did, I never looked back!
I wanted to start my own blog. I did! I wanted to release a book. I did! I wanted to write a copy for great companies. I am on it! I mean, I still have a long list of goals I am working on every day. I know I am doing great with myself, and it is merely because I changed my lifestyle and I am sharing what I call ‘my purpose’ – my writings’!
What I am saying is to be fearless and start dreaming big! Of course everything starts by taking small steps in action.
How do I find my purpose?
As I explained above how I found mine, in the same way I suggest you look for all that is about you! What do you think makes you unique? What others think you are well known for?
If you are someone who is obsessed with yourself? Well, start a YOUTUBE channel and start posting everything about you! You never know who you are changing for good! (It is a platform that can turn your interest into productivity)
You are someone who talks a lot about one particular subject? Start a PODCAST!
You love eating food? Well, share great content about the food and the place you visit and talk about it by going live or on your own personal blog!
Love travelling? Open your vlog… we are all excited for it!
Love everything about fitness and working out? make videos on the same!
You love making videos? Start taking an online course and learn the skill well and turn it into a business!
There is nothing called failure or success. Start doing what you love doing, do it all for yourself, and when the time is right; views, likes, subscribers, ads will come by and stick with you! Trust me on that.
I mean you can be ANYTHING! Remember that only you are limiting yourself! Your audience out there is ready to cheer you up. Social media is ready to pay. You have platforms to showcase what you got! I mean, my friend, the stage is all set, it’s just you who needs to get ready and perform!
Have a goal and find ways to chase them!
It all comes down to what kind of thoughts you think.
It is very important for you to observe your own thoughts. You don’t have to judge yourself. You just need to learn your mind well before knowing what to unlearn!
What are your thoughts when you are alone, and when you are in a crowd? What you think when someone shares their sad story. What do you think when someone shares about their happy life, or relationship, or their perceptions? Are you empathetic or judgemental? Are you happy when they are happy or do you envy them? How do you think you look if your thoughts appear on your face? Are you the same person inside, out?
Listen, We all are the same. We are not perfect by any means! What I am explaining here is to be mindful about your mind. Just like how a parent keeps a good track of their child. Likewise, your mind got YOU!
When you don’t like certain thoughts of yours, simply teach your mind how to think from next time when a certain situation takes place or when someone does the same thing. I am saying it again, Do not judge your own mind. We all came without instructions, and the only way we set them is to first dislike certain things about ourselves.
Change your thoughts and change your life (The whole world said this). Let me share how I mastered my mind and changed how I think by giving certain affirmations and thoughts to shift. Give it a try.
*Going forward whenever you are nervous, start repeating to yourself “I am excited, I am excited”. Remember: Your mind is always in a state of confusion with certain emotions because they convey the same information to your mind. But your words confirm it.
*When you feel angry, start to understand like this “Okay this anger emotion is coming up, and trying to take over my good state of mind. I am disconnecting from this negative emotion. I am just an observer.”
*When you feel sad, start searching for the real reasons. Be blunt and transparent about what is causing unhappiness without resisting the truth. and start saying it out “I surrender to this pain because of this memory and the situation. Yes I feel sad because I miss this person. I feel like I am dying without this person right now. I am madly in love with this person and yes I miss holding this person. But it is alright, I am letting this hard emotion stay with me, I am setting it free. let it stay. easy.”
When you say so, this emotion becomes powerless because you are not provoking it by going towards the opposite side of it, but surrendering to it. and you will observe that it slowly loses its grip on you.
Always approach your emotions with utmost love. We are all a package full of emotions, and your emotions are always triggered by your thoughts!
Keep a track on your thought process to change it. Replace your thoughts with something that doesn’t sabotage your mind and doesn’t rush you with bunch of emotions
Well, that brings us to the end of this post! As always I am super grateful for anyone who is taking out their time to reach all the way to the end of what I’ve written for you! Lots of Love!.
To read more from my blog, check out my website: www.mady.blogm
and to read more about lifestyle, follow this link: