Covid-19 vaccine, and a little pep talk during pandemic!
Covid has been a worst invisible enemy on our planet.
Keeping wherever it has come from aside, what it taught us will forever remain with us. We really need to thank COVID for its worst nature. Many of us lost people we know, people we know closely, and people who belong to us dearly. I lost my cousin who has always been my best friend.
Many people just thought that this too is a kind of virus which came, and would simply go. No one ever thought what it would be like locking ourselves down, actually the whole nation, I mean the whole world lockdown. Just One virus and we were all feared to touch each other, scared to move out for a very long time.
We learned that we can restrict our freedom and we actually have control over a lot of things like everything about ourselves.
There were people who learned hard lessons during this lockdown. There were people who discovered themselves, and on the other side, there were people who lost themselves too. Many marriages broke and many other marriages came close.
What always mattered never mattered in the real, and what never mattered was the only one that ever mattered. We learned that we all have options in many things. Let it be a good thing or not so good thing but we knew now that we have.
Keep in mind everything we all been through during the pandemic and do not ever forget what this phase has taught every one of us.
Not to forget the recession that caused many to lose their job and business were left in loss. We learned the importance of plan-B. Always have something to keep your work life, business or skill unshakeable by planning ways which wouldn’t be effected by any such pandemic again.
To me, Lockdown was a sheer blessing. Though I went through a hard time I truly appreciate what I discovered about life and especially about myself.
Enough of the Pep talk!
So let us go into a little detail about COVID-19 Vaccine:
Countries producing most Covid-19 vaccines – 13th JAN 2021
Country | Production estimate | Number of vaccines |
US | 4.84B | 12 |
India | 3.65B | 6 |
China | 3.1B | 5 |
UK | 370M | 4 |
Russia | 254M | 4 |
Which covid Vaccine in India?
India’s drugs regulator has approved Oxford vaccine Covishield, being manufactured by the Serum Institute, and indigenously developed Covaxin of Bharat Biotech for restricted emergency use in the country.
Is the Covid-19 vaccine free in India?
Union health minister Harsh Vardhan on Saturday urged the public not to pay heed to anti-vaccine rumors and said the anti-Covid-19 shots will be free across the country. “
Who is the vaccine free for?
Right now, going by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s statement following the meeting with chief ministers Monday, it is free for 3 crore health and frontline workers.
However, it is actually not clear whether all citizens of India will get the vaccine at all, free or otherwise. For now, of course, because of the lack of trial data, children are not going to be vaccinated. But even for adults, the Government of India has so far spoken in multiple voices.
In an interview to The Economic Times in October, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had said, “First and foremost, I would like to assure the nation that, as and when a vaccine becomes available, everyone will be vaccinated. None will be left behind. Of course, initially, we may focus on protecting the most vulnerable and frontline workers. A National Expert Group on Vaccine Administration for Covid-19 Vaccine has been constituted to chart the way forward.”
Immunity after recovery from Covid:
The scientific evidence is overwhelming that natural immunity attained after recovery from Covid infection is effective and long-lasting. The immune system responds to infection by various mechanisms, including the production of specific antibodies, T-cells, and B-cells to protect nearly every recovered Covid patient from reinfection. After almost a year of pandemic, globally, only 34 cases and two deaths have been definitively identified as reinfections at the time of writing, out of the 90 million Covid cases and likely hundreds of millions of infections worldwide.
Every vaccine has some side effects, and though the approved Covid vaccines are safe, they are no exception. Most of the side effects are mild – soreness at the injection site, aches and pains from the immunological reaction – but very rarely, severe adverse events do occur. For recovered Covid patients, then, the vaccines provide no benefit and some harm. It is thus unethical to vaccinate them.
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