Hello, I'm Madhavi. I'm a Freelance Copywriter.

As I start to type, so many thoughts rushing as in how to introduce myself

So let me start this way, It was a breezy winter morning, a cup of hot brew coffee, and a journal to write…

As you read the above line, you already pictured it and converted the line into an image that involved your senses. You created the feeling, you felt the breezy winter, almost smelled the coffee(or pictured a cup perhaps), and imagined a book. See what happens when we read? We picture ourselves into it, but, what matters is the type of writing, how it makes you feel? How does it express emotion, how it breaks down to a brief read, and how well it connects with you.

So, there you have me, I could write in a way that takes you into a warm thick blanket in a cozy corner even if you reading my post while it is snowing.

 I’m Madhavi Chiguru.

I’m a cabin crew currently working with an award-winning airline with 9years of flying experience.

Before you start picturing me as someone in a pretty uniform serving passengers onboard and related to flight safety, know me as someone to whom Sky is the limit. My workplace is at 35000 feet and between clouds (not sure if it’s on Cloud 9, 10, 11, or beyond that). I meet and interact with different people with different mindsets, I travel to different places with different cultures. I have a great understanding of what I do, as I carry all these experiences in my mind, my pen, and my MacBook. I have a great imagination, and I’m super expressible that makes me connect with readers on the other side.

Well, I am inspired by Gary Halbert especially for the Boron letters, and also Joseph Sugarman for his ultimate guide on marketing and copywriting from his books.

I can write a professional-grade copy that focuses on selling stuff. Oftentimes small tweaks in words and layout can result in huge sales.

I would also love to write articles, blogs, billboards, post content for your social media, or your business.

I Take Copy to Give You Advantage

Communication is Oxygen

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