Daily Make Tips

1.)Thank god for Covid season, Applying butter (I prefer Amul butter)  before wearing gloves helps our hands stay moist and doesn’t dry skin!

2.)And did you know you can simply add moisturizer to your foundation and go around the world flawlessly! Saves a lot of money because we are using less foundation to look at our best and also saves skin from damage as a moisturiser would protect your skin!

3.) Keep almonds, cashews, peanuts, and anything that you want to be crunchy in the fridge. Thank me later.4.) Isn’t so tiring to come from work and search for cotton in one place and finally find that miscellaneous makeup remover in other to remove your make up?
Simple I put cotton pads into a jar and fill it with makeup remover, easy to pull one cotton and rub off that make up off.Get more such tips from inside!

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