Outgrowing is a choice. Remaining as you are is a choice. Between these two, always choose to fly high!
Below are some healthy yet simple reminders and thoughts that can set you free, and let you understand complicated things easily.
Over the last 2years, in journey to work on myself to bounce back with more strong and ethical personality, below reminders served me well. Hope it does the same for you if you take these words to your heart.
Let’s quickly get started with the content!
1.) when a negative thought wants to take over my day, I sit with it and go to the rock bottom of it to learn why it occurred. And I immediately teach my mind to look at it in a different way that doesn’t emotionally drain me.
Example: As we get matured and become mindful about ourselves, we regret how our old ways back in times led us suffer the way we did. At times I wake up feeling low thinking about my past. I sit with myself and ask questions to reach the bottom of the situation so to instruct my mind to reset with a different perspective that feel less harsh on myself and more on understanding how far I have come. I repeatedly remind my mind to take my new instructions on how it should start reflecting until it goes on auto-pilot with new perception.
2.) I cook a delicious food for myself. But I will only take the pleasure of it if I clean the kitchen before I allow myself to enjoy my meal. (Because a handmade reward should be the enough reason to clean the mess:))
3.) Focus on who you are when no one is watching you. Be graceful. Practice being a high-quality in your comfort zone. Table manners. Dressing sense, and especially be mindful about what thoughts and images you giving your mind to hold.
4.) Make sure you make your bed immediately after you are up. Make sure to keep the wash room and kitchen dry and clean. Do it for yourself.
5.) If it is hard to accept someone back into your life, but they want to stay, let them feel the disconnection by still allowing them to be a part of your chat box.
6.) When someone shares with you something very personal or being vulnerable, they are giving you power. They chose to trust you. Guard it. Make them feel secured.
( I call it ‘power’ because It is easy to use it against them. Every weak minded person does that. It is easy, but you make a difference.)
7.) When you Love, love like it’s the first time they are going to witness Love they can never replace.
8.) Choose people who communicate. People who accept and fix their behaviour when it’s their fault. People who makes you feel they are transparent with you. People who let you open your heart without judging. People who are mindful about your trigger points. (Protect them. Keep your ego aside for them. Don’t make it complicated for them to convince you. And express gratitude for making your life easy in their company. Trust me it’s rare.)
Not those who gives you bare minimum. Not those who ghost you when you aren’t in a happy space. Not those who play games to seek your attention by hurting you. Not those who keep you waiting as if you are in a queue or as an option. (Let them know you are done. Block them. Delete them. Wrap their image from your mind and lol throw it in the bin! They aren’t worth your time.)
9.) Acceptance. Acceptance. Acceptance. Adopt a stupidly easy quality of accepting every damn thing about others. It is easier to just see and listen without judging others. Always leave people wondering how easy you make it to stay unbothered by outside world.
10.) People who come to your place behave your way and follow your rules. Be it your house or your life.
So let people see how well maintained you are, and how you treat yourself. because they are taking notes on what you allow and what you don’t.
11.) Wait for the day when the person develops a mind to accept they need to change certain traits about them to live their life better. Otherwise your message is just a combination of alphabet for those who aren’t ready to outgrow.
12.) ‘Good looks can instantly lose the charm for being unkind’ in itself is an important lesson to make kindness a necessary quality. I still remember how beautiful a person appear to me instantly when they choose to handle a bad situation with kindness and empathy.
13.) People throw their judgemental opinions at us as if we’ve been awaiting for it. So when you get one, let them see how you trash it.
14.) Everyone holds true love so, they can only give out true love. But sometimes we all feel lack of attention and affection because it is different how people choose to give it. Some like to keep it private. Some in expressing. some in keeping it a mystery. Some like talking about it and showing it out to the world. Some keep it simple
It is important to learn their love language, and commit only if you can handle their kind of Love. Don’t ruin it with expectations.
15.) Don’t make it too hard for people to understand you. Especially for those who you want to hold on to.
16.) Being mysterious and being ignorant are two different things that most people don’t understand. Always communicate.
17.) To be able to achieve your goals, it is important how you fail distractions. If using too much phone is the killer of your passion, quit the apps those are gaining all your attention and have no quality to offer you in return. Cut off people who aren’t pushing you enough towards your goals (such people can happen easily, again).
18.) Who is going to fix the mess you created on your own in your mind? The situations that never happened but you made up are still wandering in there. Those people who were long gone from your life still staying in your mind. All the mess you made up in your mind is making you blind to see the real world where everything is all fine.
Set your mind free. Quit living in your mind and detox it by emptying it all. Later start healing it by giving it flowers, sunshine, and good thoughts.
Hope you like what you read above.
To read more on perceptions and personality related write up, check my blog: www.mady.blogm
For related post: https://www.powerofpositivity.com/outgrown-your-surroundings/