Can we ever run away from those Negative thoughts from the mind?
Let me share with you how I did it!
I want to mute all those negative voices I fight in my mind, but they all are true.
But they all were in the past. I can’t shut the truth that comes finding me.
As I couldn’t see myself shattering all the time it poisons my mind, I decided to face them.
So I meditated and let all the positive energy set in to strengthen me before I go looking for those negative voices which were resting for a while.
I called out to wake them up and said the mantra ‘I accept, I surrender, I set you free, and I let you stay‘.
As soon as I drop the fight, it didn’t have anymore power over me. Slowly it went back to rest and never came back again.
Shutting down a thought means: Take away its only power by surrendering.
The more you fight a negative thought, the stronger it gets because its only intention is to seek your attention.
Let me tell you this: It wasn’t easy. It wasn’t magic. I call it ‘MANTRA’ because these words need to be repeated until you give it enough power to charge it, and invest your intentional energy into it. What do I mean by that?
How to do it?
So what do I mean by that? I mean you need to meditate (sit calm and breathe easily, slowly) and start to remember the purest of the soul that you are carrying within and build a strong belief that you are good, you are worthy, and you are just a human who would learn only through mistakes because that is how you instruct your next move. keep saying it in yourself deeply that it feels genuinely acceptable by your body.
In this process; now you brought your mind and body to the same state. A positive state.
Time to conquer negative thought
As when you are in a deep state of positivity, you can intentionally take a chance to face the negative state. Because you have enough holy energy within you to pour it into the opposite by still saving it for yourself.
‘Exercise‘ that would bring the shift:
1.) Take a pen and paper, put all those negative thoughts/voices that keep breaking your peace. WRITE BLUNTLY, do not edit. Just write as it says (yes, even if it isn’t true).
2.) Write the emotions that you feel at that point in time. Example: Scary, self-doubt, self-hate, suicidal, anger, helplessness. (Hold your positive energy intact and make sure you won’t get sucked into the negative state while writing it).
IMPORTANT TIP: Don’t live in it while you do this exercise. Just remember and put it on paper. You don’t have to go back or feel back. Okay, love?:)
3.) Now hold onto everything you’ve written(in mind), and close your eyes.
4.) Wake those negative voices by calling out those names or situations that keep flashing, and invite them to pop in.
5.) Now calmly say that: I accept, I surrender, I set you free, and I let you stay‘. As you say it, consciously believe in each word and truly set yourself free infront of all those negative images that popped into your mind right now.
6.) It might still keep hitting you with more and more; keep saying ‘YES, They are all true. I cannot change anything now. I do not have the power. I surrender.’ Keep saying this over and over again.
7.) All those negative images and thoughts slowly calm down (goes back to rest) by themselves as they start to realise that there is no more room for them to get entertained in your space BECAUSE YOU JUST SHUT THEM DOWN!
Remember to repeat this over and over again. Though you will start feeling it is less impactful every time it comes back, but still keep defeating it by this mantra of surrendering. With a little practise, I bet you will start feeling very well, very light-weighted.
Over time, you might get a new set of negative voices and thoughts. But remember the MANTRA is going to be the same for all:)
It Works!
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P.S: I am super excited to share my first book ‘BREEZE BROUGHT YOU BACK‘!!!
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You can reach me on Instagram: (madhavi_chiguru)
GMAIL: wowbymady09@mady
Stay happy and keep yourself flexible to change 🙂