A relationship is not hard to handle if both intentions are the same. To stay!
I am here to address those people who are working too hard to make their relationship work! It isn’t easy or hard either.
If you want a relationship that would last forever, first of all, believe that it is possible to have a relationship that will last forever.
Caution ⚠️
To allow the right one, you need to identify the wrong one quickly.
Do not waste time on people who tend to show a different picture of them from who they actually are.
Avoid people who change frequently. We get to see people changing for two reasons:
A.) Because that is who they actually are. You are just witnessing the real shade of them now. People can’t wear a mask for too long.
B.) They have pictured themselves to carry certain personality, so eventually, they start to practise it.
Below mentioned is usually the time period you need to take to decide on a certain person:
The two-month rule:
‘While of course, it’s different for everyone, according to relationship psychologist and data analyst Claire Stott, 2 months is an optimum amount of time for the average couple to date before they start a relationship’.
So found he/she is your Mr/Ms. Right?
How to actually work on a relationship?
Follow these simple steps, and I believe anything that we do with consistency, works!
So keep reminding yourself of these extremely powerful detailed good to know pointers.
Bring out your not-so-good side first!
People often want to impress others at the start so they bring out a fake self but ultimately they will fall back to who they are by time… so the best way to stay is as you are! And the best is to bring out your not so good side first because if they truly care, they would learn the real you and look for all the possibilities to stick with you anyway. First test before giving your best!
Learn their flaws!
We are all not born perfect and certainly, the word ‘perfection’ will only stay in mind but not in the reality, so, anyone you would pick would come with flaw just like you or me.
The questions that you need to ask yourself are:
a.) Can I live with it?
b.) Is this flaw going to hamper my idea of a relationship?
c.) Can you or your partner fix the flaw?
If the answer is ‘Yes’ work on it and live in the magic of love!
But if the answer is a ‘NO’ there is no point holding on because eventually, you will find ways to end up whatever comes between you and your peace!
Is it outgoing or incoming?
Oftentimes we look back to just check on how much of our time and energy has been invested into this relationship, or how much not!
Equal contribution is essential! Nothing more, nothing less.
This might sound demanding, but we need to give each other just as much as we expect them to offer.
If he is packing your bag, you iron his clothes.
If he is gifting you something, cook for him some nice meal that he recently craved for…
If he arranges a candlelight dinner, you make the night memorable for each other.
Life is beautiful and easy. Love makes life magical. Isn’t it?
Allow them to feel dependent on you!
The real pleasure is not sex. The real pleasure comes from knowing that you will always be there to fix life for them.
I know that we all talk a lot about being independent, and being self-sufficient which is important and essential for living your life… but in a relationship you aren’t living on your own, it is a partnership! Allow your partner to feel free to reach out to you for anything and everything… if you feel they are misusing or taking a relationship for their benefit or for granted, you gotta sit with them and set healthy boundaries, but before this step, make sure they are taking your support for granted for real… because discussions like this could restrict the freedom in a relationship.
Discuss commitments before they mention!
The most important point in a relationship is how well you take the necessary initiatives.
The only way your partner could feel a strong bonding with you depends on how well you acknowledge your share of commitments and put forward your ideas and thoughts on it.
These are simple if you are someone who is looking for No drama but a serious relationship.
Keep in mind these beautiful 5 points… and to lock these pointers forever, I would suggest you sit down and write the points referring to your way to handle your relationship!
You will stop taking other people suggestions, watching videos, and trying hard to be like someone else if you allow this post to sink in.
Thank me later!
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You can reach me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com (madhavi_chiguru)
GMAIL: wowbymady09@mady
Stay at ease… Cheers!
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