life partner

While choosing a life partner! Take action on these 3 powerful steps!

A life partner is not a better half, he is supposed to be your best full.

‘You choose a lifestyle while choosing a life partner!’

What I mean is that – when you choosing a life partner, what you really picking is not the person, but it is the lifestyle. How well you live together depends on the lifestyle you both choose to live in.

I am really excited to write down about this topic after my life threw lemons at me. Thank god I have always been a big fan of lemonade! 😉

Let’s get started!

I am going to explain 3 powerful steps to choose the person right for you who deserves to be your life partner.

  1. Write down points you would look for in a life partner.
  2. What is their definition of Love? Does the definition match with yours?
  3. What is their lifestyle?
  4. Consider a tint of spirituality as a handsome quality.

Let’s discuss in detail…

  1. Write down points you would look for in a person:
  • Are you his priority?: No matter how busy a person is, they will ALWAYS take out time for what is important to them. When he is genuinely busy, he will always get in touch with you to let you know what he is up to. His respect for you is seen in everything he does.
  • How he reacts to your family issues or personal issues (i.e., menstrual pain if you are a woman): Pick someone for yourself who is capable of sitting with you and listen to you whenever you have something going on in your life that isn’t very pleasant. And also how he cares during your periods is something not to discount.
  • How he teaches you to handle situations? This is very important… when you know he is the one for you, you going to grow up with him for a lifetime (Woah!). So, how well he teaches you to borrow his viewpoint when some situation happens between you two, or also when there is a situation in his life or your life with different people? Is he able to sense when you are not okay before you express?
  • How skill full and ambitious he is? I understand that love is enough to be in LOVE but to be in love for a lifetime, you will have a life to live and that might require you to pay some bills or buy some cookies while sipping on a coffee(at least if not pizza or protein shakes). You must know how capable he is to do something for a living. I mentioned skill full instead of a job because we all knew when something like a pandemic happens your job or business is gone for a loss. But by being skill full, you will always be able to do something significant to earn and capable to rebuild.
  • How productive is he? Being productive makes a person have consistency in his life and desire towards commitments. We all must have a little productivity in life. I always got a routine to follow in a day. If I am working, I do my stuff accordingly and on my leisure days, I will always prepare a routine a day prior to make my day make sense to me. Make sure the person you picking as your life partner has got some good habits and investing their time into practising these. Having one physical activity in a day like a workout, yoga, meditation makes a person more mature and helps in making conscious choices.

This is a sensitive point:

While choosing a life partner, though his family background also plays an important role but sometimes look at the person deeply into his personality without rubbing your judgemental opinion. After all, your life got to do everything with that one person and not his family.

I have a couple of friends who are far different from their families. One of the friends doesn’t like staying with his family because of their judgemental and adverse mindset. And another friend has a great family but they are caste-oriented and believe that woman belongs in the kitchen.

2. What is their definition of Love? Does the definition match with yours?

Well, this is one of the easiest and simple understanding to know if that person is meant for you and fit to be your life partner. Yes, it means a lot of things and cannot be explained in one word.

I want you to experience their definition of love instead of asking and seeking a theoretical answer from them. In other words, I could describe someone so well and make them believe they are my priority but in reality, my actions and my energy I pass on to them don’t match.

I am sure we all have someone in our lives who says they are your best friend but doesn’t make you feel the same. In the same way, someone says they don’t like you but you feel their love in every way, even when they are not around you.

Now you understand what I mean right?

Let me simplify by giving an example:

My friend was in love recently with a man who truly cared for her and loved her for who she is. It was an adorable love story. But by time, his love was conditioned as per his definition of love.

He believed strongly that ‘lovemaking’ is the ultimate expression of love, though that is true, his love would be expressed in such an adorable way(as described above) only when he was physically pleased.

Whereas my friend believed that love is when two people come together and make each other feel enough in their presence. Love for her was some deep conversations, working on something together, cooking together, or playing some outdoor sports. So, her true expression of love used to be in the air almost all the time, and she felt lovemaking was one of the expressions of love in addition to these.

They both know to love each other but they decided to part ways because the priority of what they want from relationship are two different things.

The guy felt it was way too boring to communicate and keep himself available for her all the time, whereas for her, she felt that the love she experience was very limited and wasn’t sufficient. Later on, she found that the guy was cheating on her and which didn’t surprise her.

What I want to convey is that, try and find someone who can match up to your definition of love, if not, you should learn to compromise and adjust more than required which would get a little difficult for you because in this generation we all are motivated to live life to the fullest without compromising on joy and love. Isn’t it?

3. What is their lifestyle?


Life partner = Life style!

We need to learn about their lifestyle. It is very important to know what kind of a lifestyle do they prefer? what do they practice daily? what kind of environment do they live in?

Does he talk to you about what kind of a lifestyle he could offer you, or discuss a lifestyle you both would make together?

Where are they willing to invest their time and energy into? How well he manages his finances? How connected he is with his family? How does his friend circle look like? What kind of friends he often hang out with? How he reacts to something not so good, and how he reacts to something exciting? What is his opinion about women and how well he respects their individuality?

I want you to always remember that what you choose the most in a life partner is the lifestyle because that is what sets the tone for your togetherness so, if that doesn’t sound convincing or doesn’t match your ‘dream lifestyle’ or existing lifestyle, please take off!

4.Consider a tint of spirituality as a handsome quality.

Sure! The exclusive quality one should look for in a life partner is spirituality! When you are a person who is spiritual, your life will make more sense and everything that you do, you do it with full consciousness and awareness.

Practicing yoga, meditation or kindness will make you undeniably a better person by day. In addition to these, spirituality means the simple act of kindness, looking at life with a positive viewpoint, looking at the possibilities, counting blessings, saying YES to life, more of giving nature.

The conversations with a person who is awakened/spiritual are totally different and such conversations are mostly life-changing for good.

Hope you like what you read. Check out this external link and this video too to read more on what to consider while choosing a life partner.

A personal message for you: Hey, before picking someone make sure you know who you are, and make sure the qualities you are searching for in a person are within you first.

Only when you know what qualities you develop in you, you can believe such qualities can exist in others too otherwise, you wouldn’t know if there is such a possible quality that could exist with consistency.

Hope you liked what you read. Check out my website for more:

P.S: I am super excited to share my first book ‘BREEZE BROUGHT YOU BACK‘!!!

Get your copy from AMAZON or from GOLDRIBBON (avail 10% discount).

You can reach me on Instagram: (madhavi_chiguru)

GMAIL: wowbymady09@mady

Stay at ease, Cheers!

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