Conversations are parcel in words!
We all in life have conversations that are a mental parcel, a parcel for a lifetime. Some are smooth, some are difficult, and some are of humor but every time there was directly or indirectly a piece of information that changed our lives.
Here are some of those conversations I had in my life, and the very reason I want to share about those with you because they truly changed my life.
‘Recognizing any thought will consume your energy, and that, in turn, will create an emotion within you that will lead you towards taking an action or forming a mental image/opinion.’
We all have two types of thinking – Positive thinking & Negative thinking.
To a positive or negative thought, we apply our energy (attention/intention) by recognising it with a magnifying glass.
Now we create an emotion either it would be love or hate. And then, we act on the thought instantly because we applied our life energies to it.
When you understand this simple formula, you will pick a different approach to any thought.
2.) Our strengths:
One of my Mentor once told me that, ‘We are all born with weaknesses and only that which we exercise will turn to become our strength.’ WOW! This really stayed with me ever since!
What it meant to me was that we all were born without any skill, not even with mental, spiritual, and physical strength. Our parents/loved ones trained us how to walk, otherwise, we all would exercise crawling thinking that is the only way to move.
And in the same way, we exercised our mind to strengthen our mind with education, exercised physical strength by eating healthy, by working out… In the same way, if you want to obtain a skill, you got to exercise what it requires. To be a writer, exercise writing every day. To be a dancer, exercise dancing every day. You could be absolutely anything if you exercise what it takes to be so and that is what will turn into your strengths.
3.) Keep it easy:
Every time I look at someone who is annoying, or laughing out loud without any humor, I remember what my brother told me once, ‘Look at everyone as they try to simplify their life. Sometimes it gets hard on us, and sometimes it is thought-provoking. But people are only trying to simplify their lives through their actions, thoughts, words, or behavior’.
His statement was truly thought-provoking. From then whenever I look at someone and don’t understand their reasons, I say to myself ‘Okay if that’s what simplifies their life’ and that convinces me immediately to understand without having to ask them. It made me take it easy about others.
4.) Guard your heart:
Once I was sharing with my friend how unhappy I was feeling on my way to reach my other friend as her father passed away. He just asked me ‘Madhu, it happened to others. What happened to you? Don’t deplete your energy. Save it to guard your heart enough to stay as a strength to someone who is already at their lowest’. And that moved me.
In life, we all have our own losses and phases where we all gotta handle on our own. We will at times deplete our energy in this process as the situation goes out of control. Till then, consciously save your energy and use it wisely.
5.) You are the prize:
My Mom said, ‘How a man treats you depend on how you treat yourself. He will watch how you conduct yourself, and depending on that he will mentally calculate what is that you will entertain, and what is that you will send back to his bay. So whenever someone is treating you well, appreciate them but most importantly appreciate yourself. And when someone isn’t treating you well the way you deserve, you need to check on yourself if you treating yourself worthy enough’. And I have nothing to explain. It surely worked for me.
These are the 5 best-of-best conversation takeaways for me. I hope these will remain with you too.
Simple yet powerful isn’t it?
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Looking forward for some healthy conversations with you too:)
P.S: I am super excited to share my first book ‘BREEZE BROUGHT YOU BACK‘!!!
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You can reach me on Instagram: (madhavi_chiguru)
GMAIL: wowbymady09@mady
Stay at ease, Cheers!
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