
An unexpected closure! It finally happened after 3years…

Call it a closure when the blur gets clear…!

How bold and beautiful it was, I said it! I said it out to him ‘yes, I don’t need you’ and I repeated it.

Wow, I feel such a relief in saying NO!

So what happened?

I was on a subway waiting to travel from point A to point B, and I spotted my ex Rohu, for whom I almost died and stayed broken almost for 3yrs post our break-up (definitely need to understand the depth of my love for him), and as he noticed me, I was like ‘HI’, he too waved at me.

So yea, the next moment, we find each other inside the same metro travelling to the same destination.

Metro was full loaded, I was trying to search for a place to sit and he was searching for a place too (probably to find one and offer me). After a while, he found a seat but instead of of me, he waved at an old lady who could barely stand… pretty impressive huh…

All the time he looked as if he wanted to say me something, so I then started a conversation, ‘so what you do these days? Where do you work? And how is Sindi?’.

He kept looking straight into my eyes as I speak and asked me, ‘will you marry me?’.

I was in a state of shock and nodded NO in disagreement and looked at him, and then down calmly not knowing how to crack this weird moment… Thank God, There we are at our stop!

As we got down, I was trying to pull myself off from the place as quickly as possible and found that he was pursuing me, calling out my name ‘Katy, Katy’.

I stopped, I had to, what could I do?

I asked him, ‘stay away from me and never ever bother me again’.

He slowly relaxed his feet on floor to stay up there as I walked away.

Within no time, I found Sindi, such a wise woman, who was probably there to pick him up; it surprised me how much he never respected one’s genuine love. Sindi waved at me in surprise ‘Hey Katy, Wassup, how you both caught up here?’

I know most of her question was filled with insecurity and with a tint of fear, I replied, ‘yup, I know right, a surprise to me as well’, as I looked at Rohu… actually as we both looked at Rohu!

In no time, Rohu came close to Sindi and hold her hands, saying ‘I couldn’t believe this’ and rested his face taking her hands up with tears. I was utterly dismayed to hear Sindi saying him, ‘I can’t believe this, you found her, finally’.

I was totally astonished, and asked Sindi what’s happening?

Rohu fell on his knees facing me and pleaded ‘Please be with me, I go astray without you’, I was literally trembling and asked Sindi what’s happening?

She took a deep breath gathering her emotions together said ‘well, Katy, actually he can’t get along with anyone, he keeps searching for you in everyone, in me too, and later on he realized that he cheated on himself and not you, though I truly love him, but it’s difficult to stay in love with someone who is so emotionally in need of someone else, Please forgive him and take him back Katy, he truly loves only you’,

I found myself in-between a crowded metro station totally stuck physically and mentally, feeling unreal.

I asked myself, do I need this to be happy? The moment my heart replied, I looked down at Rohu as he face was all teary, and said ‘NO, I don’t need you’. Rohu was shocked and looked crushed, ‘Katy, please, I can’t imagine my life in a place without you, I kept searching for you in all the places’.

I replied firmly again, ‘you heard me right Rohu, I don’t need you’, and just looked at Sindi, pressed her hand gently letting her know I moved on… and then I moved on for real… from the place and from his life.

The most awaited closure:

When I asked myself if I needed him again to be happy, my heart replied that I don’t need him, but I need this closure to live your life again.

I felt such freedom at that moment that I cannot express in words…

Now I am a blank sheet to say YES to life all over again!

Maybe that was the closure I needed to unwind myself!

P.S: I am super excited to share my first book ‘BREEZE BROUGHT YOU BACK‘!!!

Get your copy from AMAZON or from GOLDRIBBON (avail 10% discount).

You can reach me on Instagram: (madhavi_chiguru)

GMAIL: wowbymady09@mady

Stay happy and keep changing your life for a peaceful living!

1 thought on “An unexpected closure! It finally happened after 3years…”

  1. WOW, This is so true. One “NO” at the right time will make a massive change.

    & my tip combined with a “NO” is, even “Goodbye” on face will leave us in Peace ✌🏽.

    Loved 🥰 your story👍🏽.

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