
3 Qualities(which you already have) That Turns You From ‘GOOD to BEST’ Human Being.

“Perhaps being good is enough? Oh wait, I already have these 3 qualities so I just need to polish them to become the best?” YES! It’s that simple!

From ‘Good to best’ is a journey that needs a decision to become it!

Life is all about collecting every Green flag & Reg Flag from our soundings, social media, friend circle, and society. We all buy the qualities we like and we dislike: knowingly or unknowingly (you believe it or not).

There are certain qualities you want to dump (as it makes you dislike self or hurt others) but often fail to do so because that quality has become a part of you even before you realise how deeply it is rooted within you. For example: Let’s say anger, or complaining even when you have lot of reasons to appreciate. Though a part of you is well aware that it’s not your favourite reaction or choice, it goes out and give you a guilt-trip.

Don’t worry! We all struggle with it.

NOTE: Let’s be practical, you cannot eliminate it. You can only lift the bar of good qualities to let your not-so-good qualities take the whole lime light. In easy word I’m saying that let’s focus on lifting 3 best qualities I’m going to share below to overlook at your red flags!

Let’s get into the subject:

So what are those 3 qualities that can makes you become ‘The best’ human you take around with pride? It’s not that you don’t have these qualities, but to let you realise that these 3 are strong enough traits to polish and let it out grow your personality!


(When you hear the word ‘Kindness’ what really flashes on anyone’s mind is: an old man smiling at something, a black & white image of a laughing child, or Mother Teresa. Well, these images are healthy and beautiful, but they are out-dated!

Did you know that the images we carry on our mind sometime needs to get an upgrade? As strange as it sounds, I bet if you give it an intentional try, you’ll raise an eye brow and say ‘Oh yessssss!’. This is a trick I discovered while I was in the process of healing myself from depression few years back.

When I found process was not helping me or motivating me; I changed how I imagined depression looks like. So instead of pulling an image of it as a sad story, I started looking at images of people and read their stories to learn that depression is nothing but a ‘gift phase’ in life to make your life turn from ordinary to an extra ordinary!

Turn kindness into: the best aura. The best fragrance. The Sexy one. The only one!

Have you noticed people with kindness instantly create a refreshing AURA like ‘mojito’ with some lime and mint?

They carry their kindness like one irresistible FRAGRANCE with mild but long lasting perfume that stays around even after they leave the place (leaving others to talk about how sweet it is).

Whom would you find SEXY between these two?

Some one with a 6-pack abs who simply looks at a woman holding an infant struggling to pull the door on her own? OR someone who runs to open the door and holds it for the woman to safely cross the door? I would be drawn to the latter one without a doubt!

Keep practicing kindness. I don’t mean you’ll be perfect at it, but it becomes a quality of you that you’ll be known for. Especially when it is hard to be kind is exactly when you get to practice… that’s how you teach your mind that there is a shift in how to respond to unkind situations.

Let’s get into the second quality:)


I wanna cry! I mean, I so much adore and love this quality. I learned it from my friends I used to be mad at (with the way they used to accept everything and everyone)! I mean, I used to think people often accept anything when they fail to fight! (OUCH! I was w r o n g!) That is exactly the whole world is seeking! To quit fights and guard peace. isn’t it?

I often used to wonder and judge people whoever isn’t like me. But everything changed me one day when I sat with myself and confronted about this perception of mine because it used to bother me for the way I used to assume. I asked myself from others point of view if am I the way they are? My answer was NO. I told myself ‘If you judge people for not being the way you are, others too judging you for the way I am simply because I am not the way they are’! BOOM! This realisation started changing me.

I loved this technique of confronting myself. It brought the best out of me to understand the harsh truth in a manner that transformed me, majorly.

I started observing all personalities in a person and learned how to accept it without judging or overthinking! I love the bold fashion. Appreciate those who does mistakes and embrace it to learn lessons in their own way. I accept those who are alcoholic or smoke without judging because that is how their meaning of solace. I see how strong women has become to stand against body-shaming, and I admire men who flaunt their love in public! The way others live their life is their ‘freedom’. I started accepting people for who they are without any filter, and that is my number one strength!

It feels at ease knowing that you aren’t holding anything that you cannot control, instead, you embracing every different personality that lives around you!

As you go around and make connection with people, give them the power to be who they truly are. Empathise with them when they allow you to see their flaws, and make them feel secured when they disclose something very personal. This way you let the world breathe at ease, around you!

This is for sure an undeniable quality that makes you, and people who come across you to remember you as ‘the best’ human they ever met!


Again one of the top most quality that lets you shine brighter in the crowd!

Make a difference when you get a chance to have a conversation with someone. Show how you handle a situation (trust me, people are noticing). And show how you do what you do (People always willing to learn from others like you).

When I was in the process of healing, this is one quality I enjoyed practicing. Whatever I used to learn, I instantly start putting it in action. I started to love being a part of conversations, only to watch myself being careful in choosing my words and how I am putting across my perception. Slowly I know I was making a huge difference in letting people see life in a wider view filled with positivity, possibilities, and inspiration.

As I kept practicing, I started looking more approachable, more kinder, wiser, and inspirational to others. The one thing for sure you need to keep in mind is that ‘Only say what you do, how to view life, and what truly worked for you’ as you go out and start spreading your share of goodness!

Make a difference in every possible way!

Remember, Raise the bar of good qualities that people overlook your glitches because they’ll learn about you well enough to not judge you so fast.

So that brings us to the end of the topic!

I hope you liked reading it, made sense, and practice it.

To read more from my blog, check this link : www.mady.blogm

To read more on the related topic, click on this link: https://mentalflow.co/mentalhealth/2020/11/9/15-simple-traits-of-a-truly-good-person

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